Neck Pain

Auto Accident Injury Care & Rehabilitation located in Winston-Salem, Greensboro and Charlotte, NC and Memphis, TN

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Neck Pain services offered in Winston-Salem, Greensboro and Charlotte, NC and Memphis, TN

If you suffer from neck pain, you need an accurate diagnosis and treatment. At Dynamic Medical & Rehabilitation, the team of professionals has the expertise and experience to provide a solution for your pain. With multiple offices located in Charlotte, Winston-Salem, and Greensboro, North Carolina, Toledo, Ohio, and Memphis, Tennessee, appointments can be made easily. Call the friendly office staff today or book your visit online at the location nearest you.

What causes neck pain?

Your neck supports the weight of your head, making it susceptible to injuries, strains, and tears that can cause pain and impair its mobility.

Common causes of neck pain include:

  • Sports injuries
  • Overuse of your neck muscles
  • Certain diseases
  • Some forms of cancer
  • Nerve damage (bone spurs or herniated discs)
  • Wear-and-tear on the joints in your neck
  • Other trauma (i.e., car accidents)

Though the team at Dynamic Medical & Rehabilitation can provide an accurate diagnosis and treat you effectively, there are ways for you to take a proactive role in preventing neck pain. 

How can I prevent neck pain?

To avoid neck pain, practice these tips in your everyday life:

  • Sit and stand with good posture
  • Wear a headset or Bluetooth when on the phone
  • Take breaks if your job requires you to sit at a desk
  • Don’t smoke tobacco
  • Roll your bags instead of using a strap over your shoulder
  • Sleep on your back

Talk to the medical professionals at Dynamic Medical & Rehabilitation if you have questions about neck pain prevention.

When should I see a doctor about my neck pain?

If your neck pain limits your ability to go to work or walk around, contact the team at Dynamic Medical & Rehabilitation right away. You don’t have to suffer through your pain when there’s a solution.

Not only can they provide pain relief, but they can help diagnose chronic conditions and get you started on a treatment plan early.

How is neck pain treated?

When you visit Dynamic Medical & Rehabilitation, they work to alleviate your pain without the use of pain medication. 

Your treatment may include one or a combination of the following:

    • Physical therapy
    • Nonsurgical procedures
    • Surgical procedures, as needed
    • Lifestyle modifications


If you have neck pain, reach out to the team at Dynamic Medical & Rehabilitation. They can evaluate its severity and look at the cause of your pain. A variety of factors play into how they customize your treatment. They have the expertise to determine the best course of action to improve your situation.

If you have pain for more than three days, call today or book an appointment online to get the relief you need.